Self-Care in Uncertain Times
Chronic fatigue is on the rise and learn from Edie as she shares how she manages it during her personal uncertain times many years ago.Lots of self care tips you can use to take care of your wellbeing. Premier video at You can find “The Memory of Health” here: #selfcare #chronicfatigue #cfs #covid19 #resilience #mindfulness #sleep
What are the benefits of mindfulness?
“Mindfulness is just like exercise. It’s a form of mental exercise, really. And just as exercise increases health, helps us handle stress better and promotes longevity, meditation purports to confer some of those same benefits.” Meditation not only reduces stress… it changes your brain. ~ Sarah Lazar, Harvard Neuroscientist By Brigid Schulte May 26, 2015 Q: Why did you start looking at meditation and mindfulness and the brain? Lazar: A friend and I were training for the […]
From Resolution to Evolution: Create Great Moments to Make This Your Best Year Ever!
It’s almost mid-January. How are you doing? Have you fallen off the New Year’s resolution bandwagon yet? I read or heard somewhere the concept of New Year’s Evolution vs. Resolution. The point is to evolve this year as a person, versus trying to keep strict or unrealistic resolutions. I love this concept. How can you set a goal, goals, or vision for yourself to evolve this year, one day, or even one moment or breath at a time? What would […]
The Connection: Autoimmunity, Chronic Conditions & The Mind-Body Connection
I have been given this product as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company. The Connection: – Whole Health Life – The documentary The Connection is a must-see for anyone facing any type of health challenge, auto-immune, or chronic condition. The Connection explores the mind-body connection, how stress affects DNA, the […]
Book Tour – Hope For Chronic Conditions – Help Me Empower People to Live Well!
Help me do my book tour and spread the messages of hope for those with chronic conditions, living a healthy lifestyle and becoming a conscious consumer. As a way of saying thanks, I will reward you with my book an/or coaching programs! Let’s change the world, one conscious choice at a time both personally and socially! This book took me ten years to write. Help me to spread the message! Help me spread the word about the power of […]
How To Eat & Live More Mindfully
How to Become a More Mindful Eater Author: Lisa Truesdale Eating more mindfully is an important step in becoming healthier. It might even help you shed stubborn pounds. Check out five easy ways to practice—whether you’re at home, a restaurant or an office function. Eating more mindfully is an important step in becoming healthier, perhaps even helping you shed stubborn pounds. Below, Susan Albers, PsyD, clinical psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and author of Eating […]
#1 Secret: Mastery of Well-Being & Success
What is the #1 secret to harnessing well-being and success? Mindset! How do you strengthen mindset? Coaching psychology, positive psychology, power of community, exercise, positive relationships, and the practice and application of mindfulness. Your mind is like a web… One thought reverberates through whole mind-body system. You can literally create and strengthen neural networks that deeply affect your health, wellbeing, mindset, and success! You have the power to change, and emerge into your full potential! Harness the power of your […]
Speaking with Tami Simon: Founder & Publisher of Sounds True
Current Self Help Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with TheWellnessCoach on BlogTalkRadio Tami Simon is the founder and publisher of Sounds True, an independent multimedia company dedicated to disseminating spiritual wisdom. Tami began studying with Reggie Ray in 2001 and began teaching “Meditating with the Body” introductory workshops in 2007. Her areas of special interest include authentic leadership and applying spiritual principles to organizational life. Tami lives in Boulder, Colorado, with her partner Julie Kramer. Tami Simon’s […]
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