Hey #Tweeters! It’s #FatFree time with the #FatDoc. Today we’re talking about my 3 favorite legs exercises – squats, lunges and low walks.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
#Squats are my #1 favorite legs exercises. I know that if you want some booty and or some muscle definition, squats are the fastest way…
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
to get there. Larger muscles need heavy weight to get larger. Keep reps low and weight high to achieve it. Start with high sets and low reps
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
Technique is key. Try to squat as low as possible, with hips and knees to 90 degrees, pause for a second and then raise back up.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
How about Lunges? The worst pain I get from for my legs comes from lunges. But ti really works the anterior thigh muscles at the knee.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
Single leg lunges make allow you to work on one leg at a time, isolating the muscle of the quads, hamstrings and calves.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
These babies #BURN! Best done with the front leg at 90 degrees and most of the pressure or force being exerted through the front heel.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
Lastly and probably not something that most people are familiar with are low walks. I love these bad boys because they are very…
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
when done correctly. #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
Here’s how to perform a low walk. #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
Start off in a squat position and them begin to walk forward, maintaining you rear as close to the ground as possible without losing balance
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
Each step forward should entail straightening your leg as much as possible, without over stressing it. #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
Then bring the back leg through and step beyond the opposite one. #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
You should feel like a duckling. Be sure to use your arms for balance and drive. #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
10-20 steps forward on each leg should do the trick, with 3-4 trials. #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
Performing these three exercises 2 times a week should make a huge difference and produce results quickly. #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
Alright gang, that’s it for this week. Be sure to tune in next week on my FB fanpage @ https://t.co/Ewix5q07Wv next week for more.Like it!
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
Thanks for stopping by. #FatFree #FatDoc #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) September 2, 2015
Belgium is very grateful to you who have selflessly defended the lives & liberties of our citizens #begov @fhollande pic.twitter.com/EwW3WrxUe3
— Charles Michel (@CharlesMichel) August 24, 2015
Sure-Fire Ways to Burn Calories with The Fat Doc & Smashon Brand Ambassador Dr. Braxon A. Cosby!
I’m going to give you three sure fire ways to burn calories more efficiently. One – exercise. The most obvious one right. But there are many ways to skin a cat. It’s no longer just all about cardio. #eatlessmovemore
The best way to add to the normal burn is to add lean muscle mass. That means you need to strength train. At least a third of the time you are in the gym, if not half.
Muscles require energy to be maintained. Therefore, the processes of your body to do so is governed by the efficiency of the system. Your metabolism.#eatlessmovemore
Once your metabolism increases, the body burns fuel (glucose, ATP, fat, carbohydrates) at a faster rate and even goes into storage centers (fat) to pull what is not available so that you don’t shut down. Exercise alone is not enough to make this happen. Lean muscle mass is the key. I burn more calories during my strength training workouts as I do during an hour of Spin Class (cardio).
The next key – eat right. #eatlessmovemore
Eating the right foods at the right time of day can make a serious impact in how you manage what goes in, gets used and stays in your body.
Recommendations for eating during the day: Morning – high carbs 60-70% of your plate with 20% veggies and 10% protein, Lunch -carbs 30-40% of your plate with 20% veggies and 40-50% protein, Dinner – carbs 10-15% of your plate with 60% veggies and 20% protein.
Also, avoid eating desert prior to eating your meal. This causes a serious spike in your blood sugar and subsequent insulin dumping into your bloodstream. That drives your appetite and makes you want to eat more. So there is a huge chance that you will over eat when you shouldn’t. To go a little further, there is a chance that if you eat your food, you may not want to eat the desert at the end. #eatlessmovemore
You need fuel foods and junk foods that slow you down should be substituted by healthy alternatives.
Lastly – sleep patterns make a difference in weight gain. If your sleep cycle is off, so too will be your eating cycle. You will eat at crazy times of the night and most likely crave foods that are unhealthy for you. High calorie foods are normally the culprit.
Avoid eating late at night unless you chow down on things like nuts and yogurts, that take longer to digest and break down, thus increasing your metabolism. #eatlessmovemore
The following is a transcribe of Braxton’s FB Chat and some of his Twitter chat on getting a six pack.
Join the conversation!
The first one up, and my personal favorite are planks!
Here’s why. When it comes to sculpting the rectus abdominis, no exercise matches planks. Studies show that there is a 25% more muscle tension gain from doing planks *(whether timed or repetitions) when compared to crunches. That means, that you get more bang for you buck, or more results for your efforts than just basic crunches.
What makes planks so effective? I.C.E. – isometric, concentric and eccentric muscle contractions occur in the stomach muscles when you perform a plank. #eatlessmovemore
Studies show that planks produce 25% more muscle tension than crunches alone. Therefore, hit them early and often.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) August 12, 2015
An effective plank is done by flattening your back like an ironing board by tightening your stomach. This is ground zero, or your base.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) August 12, 2015
The next one is reverse lower extremity curls. In this exercise, I challenge you to bring your feet all the way to the floor and tap it lightly, then return your knees to your chest. Try isolating the oblique muscles when you perform reverse abdominal curls by flattening your stomach as you lower your feet to the ground. This will help you avoid the so-called ‘hot dog stomach’ phenomenon. Lastly, Heel Clicks, or sometime they are referred to as scissors.
I love this exercises because it really challenges the entire trunk to stabilize proximally, while allowing your legs o move distally. Therefore, the maximal effort is exerted on the abdominal to remain contracted while performing the movement. Ok, so here is my fitness tip for performing these 3 awesome belly- shaping exercises. Start out with timed intervals first. Holding the positions in the pictures for say 15-30 seconds, with 2-3 intervals. Then gradually move up. Once you are able to hold for 60, then advance to sets and repetitions. #eatlessmovemore But remember this one little nugget about abdominal exercises: high reps work best with little to no resistance. But make sure to move through the full range. This allows the muscle to elongate and contract at optimal positions to maximize the tension!
My last abdominal exercise is an oldie, but still goodie. Very effective to build the entire set of core muscles, and can even
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) August 12, 2015
benefit the hip flexors and obliques. Military veterans know what I’m talking about.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) August 12, 2015
@BraxtonACosby I will always remember that scene with Richard Gere doing this from An Officer and a Gentleman!
— Edie Summers (@ediesummers) August 12, 2015
That’s right, six inches. The exercise in which you lay flat in your back, lift your feet six inches from the ground and hold.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) August 12, 2015
You can go about performing these one of two ways. Static or dynamic.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) August 12, 2015
Static – hold for intervals, just like the planks, hovering your feet just above the floor for 30-45 seconds at a time.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) August 12, 2015
Or you can go for broke, performing sideways scissors, passing your feet underneath and over one another.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) August 12, 2015
Or, scissoring up and down, alternating each one from the other to catch a rhythm for balance. #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) August 12, 2015
For more tips on exercise, go to http://t.co/ecqbpnQSom for my most recent podcast. #FatFree with the #FatDoc #Live it up folks. Take care.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) August 12, 2015
2-3 sets of 20-30 repetitions will get the results you are looking for. Keep this up and you’ll be burning in no time. Thanks for stopping by and stay active. #eatlessmovemore Until next time!
So the answer is, BOTH. You have to manage both, with maybe one or the other having a little more focus than the other.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
Most people miss the importance of managing their eating and their exercise. Even I have to keep a handle on my food.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
If you want t maintain, that should work fine by balancing what you put in and what you expend. But to get real results, u have to be smart.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
What I mean by this is that u have to work twice lower your intact of foods that slow down your metabolism and increase good foods…
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
While exercising (60% strength training and 40% cardio) to increase your BMR #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
People want to fill their stomach up when they eat. Feeling 'full' is more important than feeling satisfied. #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
@ediesummers – efficiency of the system, metabolism, is the key. Increasing hos well your body performs is paramount. #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
@ediesummers – there is a deprivation period 🙁 becuz r teaching your body to go without what it already craves. The desire to be full.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
@ediesummers – most issues people have with weight control is a volume issue, not a content issue. #eatlessmovemore.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
@ediesummers – because it does not account for the Basal Metabolic Rate – the energy needed to survive, which is diff for everyone
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
Stretch receptors in the stomach signal the brain that we are 'happy' and we need to feel that every time. Or at least we think we do.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
It's only part of the equation of satiety that makes us not want to eat anymore. We can stop this by lowering our volume…
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
and allow our stomach to shrink and take in smaller amounts of food to be 'full' #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
So today's take away tips: increase strength training and cardio, lower food intake, and watch that BMR (basal metabollic rate) rise.
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
More: muscle = more work for the body to maintain = increased metabolism = more calories expended = less weight gain = healthier u!
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
That's it for tonight folks. Thanks again for stopping by. #FatDoc is out #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 29, 2015
Rev Up Your Metabolism & Lose Weight with Dr. Braxton A. Cosby: The Fat Doc & Smashon Fitness Brand Ambassador!
“SO what it metabolism anyway? Simply put, it’s the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.
As it relates to losing weight, metabolism or the process by which metabolism is carried out is the summation of activities within the body that assist the organism to stay alive. Breaking down food, compounds, and other chemicals to provide energy and remove waste products.
As it relates to losing weight, metabolism or the process by which metabolism is carried out is the summation of activities within the body that assist the organism to stay alive. Breaking down food, compounds, and other chemicals to provide energy and remove waste products.
The measure of metabolism is called the BMR or the basal metabolic rate, which grades how efficient the body is carrying out these processes. Some individuals have a high BMR and others are lower. What dictates the efficiency of the system are few variables.
Variables such as genetics (can’t fix), activity level (can fix), types of foods we consume (can fix) and muscle mass (can fix). The higher we boost our metabolism, the more calories we burn.
These calories not only come from available sources that we eat, but also from fat stores on our body. If we ramp up our metabolism, our body will seek out the energy sources at a very efficient rate, with organs and muscles doing their part. This ‘activity’ churns up a lot of energy and over time, fats stores are reduced (energy givers) and we lose weight. You can manipulate this, to some degree. But as Master Yoda says, you have t be willing to do the work.
Here are some foods to ramp up that metabolism. Blueberries, almonds, whey protein, salmon, spinach, turkey and oatmeal. Eat up and slim down.
And as far as exercise goes, here is what you can do. Exercise at least three times as week, incorporating training that keeps your heart rate at a competitive rate and builds lean muscle mass. Heart rate suggestions: 220- your age and divide that number by 65-75% depending on where you are physically. Muscle mass building – maintaining muscle mass requires a lot of energy from the body and the work that it takes is the key because it will keep you body in metabolic overdrive. Thus, your metabolism will soar.
But you’re probably wondering where the quote I gave earlier about burning more fat in your sleep comes from, right?????
The energy systems of the body are time dependent. If you need energy quickly, your body chooses one system over the other. It’s a lot of technical jargon, but ultimately, when you sleep the body can provide energy from fats stores slowly over time. Since you’re not doing anything while you sleep, it draws at a consistent, steady rate. If you have spiked your metabolism by doing what I suggested, you will pull from fat stores at a very high rate, and begin to see the difference on the scale and in the mirror.
Not bragging here, but I want to demonstrate how this works. On a good day of cardio-fat burning for me, spin class 20-21 miles, I can lose up to 1-2 pounds over night if I log at least 6 hours of sleep and watch what I eat. That’s because my metabolism is jacked and my body is ‘seeking’ lost energy stores to rebuild and repair damages muscle during exercise.
@ediesummers You are a brilliant ambassador for #wellness. #Smashon is blessed to have your as Content Officer. Your support is priceless:-)
— Jenna-Lee Anderson (@JLASuccess) July 21, 2015
Grateful for such a beautiful shout-out…the world is full of beautiful and talented people. From one of our amazing Smashon experts:
Know Your Numbers with Dr. Braxton A. Cosby: The Fat Doc & Smashon Fitness Brand Ambassador!
@BraxtonACosby So true, always good to know how your inside functions so you can be productive the correct way. Knowledge is power!!
— Dr. Stacy Haynes (@Dr_StacyHaynes) July 15, 2015
We need glucose to stay alive, but too much in the blood stream can have long-term effects that are life-threatening. #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 15, 2015
and be unhealthy. Remember, BMI is a predictor of the likelihood to develop secondary diseases of excess weight. #eatlessmovemore
— Braxton A. Cosby (@BraxtonACosby) July 15, 2015
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