Learn 5 Ways to Improve Energy Levels!

Do you struggle with not having enough energy? I did too.  I developed chronic fatigue and CFS in my early 20’s.  After years of searching for answers, I finally figured out how to improve my energy levels. If you are struggling with low energy from CFS, burnout, stress, family concerns, a chronic illness, or any other reason, download my free tip sheet on the top 5 ways I improved my energy. This is hard-won advice, condensed from my book on […]

Why Sleep Matters & How To Improve Sleep

Sleep is pretty important.  In fact, too little of it makes us sick, according to recent research. From Fortune.com: “In an interview with The Guardian, Matthew Walker, Director of the Center for Human Sleep Science at the University of California, Berkeley, explains how. Through his work, he’s determined that people who don’t get enough sleep tend to be less healthy and have lower energy levels than those who get the recommended amount of shut eye per night. After analyzing the results of 20 […]

From Resolution to Evolution: Create Great Moments to Make This Your Best Year Ever!

It’s almost mid-January.  How are you doing?  Have you fallen off the New Year’s resolution bandwagon yet? I read or heard somewhere the concept of New Year’s Evolution vs. Resolution.  The point is to evolve this year as a person, versus trying to keep strict or unrealistic resolutions. I love this concept.  How can you set a goal, goals, or vision for yourself to evolve this year, one day, or even one moment or breath at a time? What would […]