From Resolution to Evolution: Create Great Moments to Make This Your Best Year Ever!

It’s almost mid-January.  How are you doing?  Have you fallen off the New Year’s resolution bandwagon yet? I read or heard somewhere the concept of New Year’s Evolution vs. Resolution.  The point is to evolve this year as a person, versus trying to keep strict or unrealistic resolutions. I love this concept.  How can you set a goal, goals, or vision for yourself to evolve this year, one day, or even one moment or breath at a time? What would […]

Where to Find My Books on Health

Do you suffer from great challenge and/or a great health challenge? Learn what worked for me, and what may work for you… My latest book, The Memory of Health, is getting great reviews!  You can find it here for 30% off: Some of the lovely comments and feedback for my book: Enthralling! Your book is riveting! I love what I skimmed! WOW, it is AMAZING !!! Having all the info in one place, from someone who’s struggled with CFS is […]